How to Create or Modify a Partition in Windows 8/8.1/10/11

Steps to Create or Modify a Partition in Windows 8/8.1/10/11

1. Launch Disk Management Utility:

   - Hold the Windows key and press R. 🪟

   - Type diskmgmt.msc and hit Enter. This opens the Windows Disk Management utility. 💻 


2. Shrink the Hard Drive:

   - Right-click your main drive and select Shrink Volume.

   - Enter the desired amount to shrink the hard disk in megabytes (MB). 📉


3. View Unallocated Space:

   - After shrinking, spot the region of unallocated space (shaded black). Remember, it's not usable yet. 


4. Create a New Simple Volume:

   - Right-click the unallocated space and select New Simple Volume.

   - Follow the prompts of the New Simple Volume Wizard. 🧙‍♂️ 

5. Configure the New Partition:

   - Assign a drive letter and pick a file system (NTFS if for Windows OS).

   - Name the partition in the Volume Label field. 📛 

6. Finish and Create the Partition:

   - Click Finish to complete the process. 🎉


With these steps, you can effortlessly carve out a new partition, ready for your needs! 🚀