Remove Arrow Icons from Desktop Shortcuts on Windows 10 & 11

Remove Arrow Icons from Desktop Shortcuts on Windows 10 & 11

If you want a cleaner look for your desktop by removing the arrow icons from shortcut icons, you can easily do this by editing the Windows Registry. This guide will walk you through the steps or provide you with a ready-made `.reg` file to do it automatically.

Manual Steps:

1. Open the Registry Editor:

2. Navigate to the Registry Path:


3. Navigate to the Registry Path:

3.1  Right-click on Explorer in the left pane. => Select New > Key and name it Shell Icons.

3.2 Name it Shell Icons.

4. Create a New String Value

4.1 With the Shell Icons key selected, right-click in the right pane, select New > String Value, , and set its Value data to:

4.2 Name it 29

4.3 Set its Value data to:   

4.4 Click OK.

5. Restart Windows Explorer: From Task Manager.

Finish: Your Arrow Icons from Desktop Shortcuts is removed now

Steps By .reg Script :

1. Download the Registry Editor Script :

2. Run this Registry Editor Script :

3. Click on Yes 

4. Click on OK 

5. Restart Windows Explorer: From Task Manager.

Finish: Your Arrow Icons from Desktop Shortcuts is removed now

How to Revert the Changes: By .reg script. 

1. Download the Registry Editor Script :

2. Run this Registry Editor Script :

3. Click on Yes 

4. Click on OK 

5. Restart Windows Explorer: From Task Manager.

Finish: Your changes has been reverted.


Update: For those who are getting Black Boxes remove the line of code in String Entry 29 that is in the "Value Data" section... Basically just deleting "%windir%\System32\shell32.dll,-50" and keeping that section blank

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