Secrets of Windows Notepad 🔍

Windows Notepad might seem like a basic text editor 📝, but it's packed with some hidden features and handy tricks that many users never notice. Whether you’re using it for quick notes or to view code, Notepad has a few surprises that can help you get more out of it. Let’s dive into some of these hidden gems!

1. Automatic Timestamp for Logs 📅

Did you know that Notepad can automatically log the time for you? Here's how:

  • Start a new text file by typing .LOG (in all caps) at the very top.

  • Save the file.

  • Every time you open the file, Notepad will automatically add the current timestamp 🕒 to the document.

This feature is great for keeping logs, journals, or tracking progress over time without having to manually enter the date and time.

2. Time and Date Shortcut ⏰

If you need a quick timestamp on the fly, Notepad has a shortcut for that too! Press F5 or go to Edit > Time/Date, and it’ll insert the current date and time right into your document. No more typing out timestamps manually — Notepad’s got your back. 😎

3. Customize Your Printouts 🖨️

Need to print something with a custom header or footer? Notepad has a secret feature to customize these as well. When you go to File > Page Setup, you can use special codes to align and format the text in your header or footer:

  • &L – Left-align text.
  • &C – Center text.
  • &R – Right-align text.
  • &D – Add the current date.
  • &T – Add the current time.
  • &F – Include the document name.
  • &P – Add the page number.

This can be super helpful if you’re printing out documents and want to organize your headers/footers with time stamps, file names, or page numbers.

4. Command Line Arguments ⚡

For the power users out there, Notepad has a few command-line arguments you can use:

  • /A or /W – Open a file in ANSI or Unicode encoding, respectively.
  • /P – Print a document.
  • /PT – Print a document to a specific printer, down to specifying the driver (advanced, but useful for automation).
  • /.SETUP – Opens Notepad in a weird, almost broken mode that disables interaction. 🤔

You can create scripts to open files in certain formats or print multiple files in one go.

5. Notepad’s New Features 🌟

Notepad has gotten a few updates in recent years, and they’re pretty neat:

  • Session Saving: Notepad can now remember unsaved sessions when closed, similar to other text editors like Notepad++. No more losing your work just because you forgot to hit "Save" before closing!

  • Spellcheck & Autocorrect: You can enable spellcheck and autocorrect in Notepad, which is a game-changer for quick writing tasks. 🖊️

  • Dark Mode: If you prefer a dark theme for your writing, Notepad now supports dark mode! 🖤

You can find these options by going to the Settings menu within Notepad.

6. Get the Classic Notepad Look 🕰️

Nostalgic for the classic version of Notepad? You can still access the old version! Here’s how to bring it back:

  • Go to Settings > System > Optional Features and install Notepad (System).
  • To switch between the new and old versions, disable the Notepad alias in Settings > Apps > Advanced App Settings > App Execution Aliases.

This lets you choose between the new and classic versions, and even customize shortcuts for each.

7. Hidden Code in Old Versions 👀

In 2020, the source code for Windows XP’s Notepad leaked, revealing some cool hidden features that were never used. For instance, there’s an unused section of code that could have displayed more detailed file information in the status bar, such as whether the file was compressed, encrypted, or hidden.

Unfortunately, these features were never enabled, but it’s a fascinating look at what could have been!

8. Fun Fact: The "Bush Hid the Facts" Bug 🐛

Here’s a quirky Notepad easter egg that many might remember. In Windows XP, typing "Bush hid the facts" (or any similar sequence) and saving the file would cause the text to turn into gibberish upon reopening. Conspiracy? Not quite. This was actually a bug related to how Notepad guessed the encoding format of the file. 😅

While it’s fixed now, it’s a fun piece of Notepad trivia!

Conclusion 🎉

So, how many of these Notepad secrets did you know? Whether you’re using it to log information, print customized documents, or dive into command-line features, Notepad is much more versatile than it seems at first glance. 🖥️

If you found this post useful, make sure to share it with your friends And if you’re curious about more hidden Windows tricks, check out our blog post on Windows Calculator Secrets.(alert-passed)